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Dress Hunting

When should you start? Where should you start? And how should you start?

We've got all the answers you need to help you start your wedding dress hunting on the right foot.

If you start your wedding dress hunting with no idea of a wedding dress, don't feel bad! That's what bridal consultants are for.

Remember that your bridal consultant knows everything about wedding dresses! They know every style, every body shape and every little detail. They just need to get to know you. That is why bridal consultations last about an hour long, sometimes longer. It's to get to know the bride and making sure what the bride likes and wants.

When Should you start dress hunting?

You must remember that most of the wedding dresses are imported and takes up to 8 months to arrive in South Africa.

If you start your wedding dress hunting about 9 months before your wedding day, you will be good! It gives you a month time to find the perfect wedding dress and to make your decision. You can even start searching for your dress 12 months before your wedding.

Where should you start?

That is all up to the bride. You can start at your favorite bridal boutique in town. Start doing your research online before you book your fittings. Follow your top 3-5 bridal boutiques on social media and get to know them better. It will make it easier for you to choose, which one first!

It is also important not to visit to much boutiques, making your choices even harder and broader. Keep it simple, small and easy.

How should you start?

You can do some research online about different wedding dress styles and save some photos of the wedding dresses you really like, show them to your consultant and try them on.

You will be surprised which style you like when starting fitting wedding dresses. Once you found a style you love, it just gets easier!

At the end...

Enjoy this fun, exciting time! Bridal fittings is the most special time between your girls and you. Have fun and most importantly, choose the dress of your dreams. You will feel it, when you have that one special dress on!

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